Thursday, February 4, 2010

my game

i gonna make a hunting game where you set in a treestand and you have calls and scent killer and you wait for the deer to come


  1. Sounds like a good start but as a science teacher and zoologist, I would suggest also adding information to teach why we hunt (health of herd, food source,ecology, etc...)

  2. Hey Preston! I agree with Mr. Dorsey - please give thought to how your topic could be made in to an educational game. I think it can but you just need to give it some thought. Mr. Dorsey came up with some good suggestions. The trick will be finding ways to embed the learning in the game so that it's not a quiz game or a game with action that is unrelated to the facts between stages. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

    David Lowenstein
    State Director, Globaloria WV
